It's the planners bible. A quarterly intelligence briefing outlining non-invasive advertising, revolutionary marketing strategies and all the new trends and emerging technologies. Basically, it's a time machine for the marketingindustry in a handy Magazine + DVD. And they know their stuff. Contagious only comes out four times a year and they manage to flog a subscription at USD$1200.
Just to be clear --- Contagious is much more than a magazine. We also provide a 90-minute DVD each quarter featuring innovative new advertising, emerging technologies, company profiles and case studies on brands that have used 'non-traditional' marketing techniques effectively. Subscribers also have daily access to an online database of Contagious' editorial content, searchable by product category, media type, agency, territory, etc. The magazine is an important (and visible)part of the mix, but it only forms a small percentage of the annual subscription.
Paul Kemp-Robertson
Editorial Director
For 1200 smackers it'd want to come with a free dancing monkey. Just kidding. It really is awesome. It's the Thinking Man's Shots Reel and no one can call themselves a proper planner without a subscription. Thanks for the post. Any tips on what's in the next issue for a poor creative like myself?
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