Have you ever noticed how unusually dire the predictions from right wing intellectuals are?
Liberals won't just address immigration and the problem of patrolling a border with Mexico, they'll DESTROY the border and allow immigrants to BREAK IN and STEAL our CHILDREN'S TEETH.
Liberals won't just make abortions safe for any woman who wishes to exercise her legal rights, they will MURDER LIVE BABIES and call down the WRATH OF GOD and the FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCOLYPSE.
And now we have to listen to them predict that Barack Obama will bring about the end of America in the first 90 days of office.
Give me a break.
The current economic crisis, which is affecting every man and his dog in a very real way, is largely a conservative creation, built on the free-market ideas of conservative republican Milton Friedman, adopted as policy by conservative Republican former President Ronald Reagan and continued in all its ineptitude by former president George W Bush. Conservative Republican.
And now here is another angry, right wing intellectual who doesn't care for Barack Obama and can't bring himself to just say it. I don't doubt that this man is well informed, but he sounds like every other doomsayer since Chicken Little. And if things do go south as he expects,we will have people like this guy to thank for it.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Little BIG Planet named Game of The Year

Last night at the D.I.C.E awards in Las Vegas Little Big Planet took home eight awards, including;
- Family Game of the Year,
- Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction,
- Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering,
- Outstanding Character Performance,
- Outstanding Innovation in Gaming,
- Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction,
- Console Game of the Year, and the big kahuna,
- Overall Game of the Year.
Not only that, but they have some pretty neat TVC's as well.Congratulations Sackboy you little ball of sacky goodness.
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