The Harvard Business Review has an awesome archive of free podcasts that discuss the future of the world, the internet, business, alpha males, viral marketing, Harry Potter, iPhones and all kinds of neat stuff. I've planted a little garden of idea shrubs here at Mind Head, with a little nurturing, it could be the start of something quite mossy.
Howard Gardner discusses his new book, "Five minds for the futre", and about how we live in a time of vast change and these changes will call for entirely new ways of learning and thinking, (amen to that), and defines the cognitive qualites of the future and how to cultivate them, here
Paul Hemp dicusses the breakthrough ideas of 2007 and what Harry Potter can teach us about branding, here
Professor Rosabeth Moss Kantor talks about Innovation Traps, now that innovation is back in after a lengthy hiatus, Prof Moss Kantor highlights the traps to avoid, here
Paul Saffo discusses his article, "The six rules for effective forecasting", here
David Weinberger discuses his new book, "Everything is miscellaneous", here
Jonathon Zittrain discusses his new book, "The future of the internet and how to stop it", under a podcast titled, "How to save the internet" here
Allen Murray discusses his ideas about the future of CEOs in a talk titled, "the new rules of power" here
Columbia University Professor Duncan Watts discusses viral marketing for the real world, and how while it may not behave like a virus, when used correctly viral marketing is still a cost effective tool for getting the word out, here.
Kevin Sullivan discusses why PR matters and how it is easier to accomplish than you think, here
What makes Generation xers tick? What do they want from work and how do you get the most out of them? These questions and more discussed by Paul Michelman and Tammy Ericson, here
Tim Butler talks about getting unstuck, how all of us feel that impasse in our lives and careers, and how dead ends can be used to find new beginnings, here
Chip Heath talks about why some ideas survive and other die out in a talk titled, "Made to stick". According to Heath, the ideas that make it - sticky ideas - share common traits such as simplicity and unexpectedness and he shows how to achieve this, here
Jim Andrew talks about his new book, "Payback: The rewards of innovation" and talks about how to foccus on how to generate cash from new ideas with a specific focus on the telecommunications industry in light of the iPhone, here
Don Tapscott, author of "Wikinomics: How mass collaboration changes everything", talks about how in it's latest incarnation, the web has become a communial experience, andeveryone, everywhere can now solve problems, here
We all learn from mistakes, so why not make more of them? Gardiner Morse discusses the art of deliberate mistake. He introduces a systematic approach to making carefully planned, deliberate mistakes in order to learn from them. Embrace failure, here
All of these talks come from the inestimably helpful Harvard Business Review IdeaCast site here. Veritas fellow Headsters.
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