Steven Pinker at Freethought Radio
The Cognitive Niche
What is your dangerous idea?
Jews, Genes and Intelligence (lecture) pt 1
Jews, Genes and Intelligence (lecture) pt 2
IDEAS presentation
Human Nature
It's All In the Genes
The Blank Slate
Evolutionary Psychology
The Blank Slate
New Space Object
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature pt1
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature pt 2
A biological understanding of human nature
Nature, Nurture? Not!
Language of War
Evolving English
How the Mind Works
Der Digitale Planet (lecture) - Douglas Adams, Richard Dawkins, , Daniel Dennett, Jared Diamond and Steven Pinker
Speech Gene
The Mind
Evolutionary Psychology and Human Nature
And if you'd like to visit Steven Pinker's Site at Harvard, go here.
This was all via the very, very complete freethought media site
1 comment:
I've been trying to open the "Ideas presentation" with no luck. I heard it many months ago and Pinker makes a comment in that speech that I would like to reference for a thesis, but all trace of it has disappeared!
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